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What Is Manifestation Meditation?: A Guide for Beginners

by BetterSleep
Mar 4 2022 • 4 min read

Manifestation is a self-help activity that requires you to focus your thoughts on the outcome you want to achieve. The theory behind it is that because you are thinking positively towards your goal, you can achieve it.

Manifestation meditation is all about the law of attraction. With the law of attraction, the thoughts that you have—whether positive or negative—will bring out the exact outcome. For example, when you have negative, pessimistic, and/or sad thoughts, that will eventually become your reality.

People have different manifestation techniques but meditation and manifestation can easily be paired together.

How Do I Meditate and Manifest?


Before thinking of manifesting, practicing meditation should be your first step. Meditation is a relaxing, mindfulness practice that decreases stress, helps you relax, and allows you to reach higher vibrations (positive mind) by getting you to rid your mind of negative thoughts (low vibrations).

Here are a few steps to get you started on meditation:

  • Find the right setting. Meditating in a loud, busy area is often difficult. Find somewhere that brings you comfort and peace. In your backyard, bedroom, or maybe at a park.
  • Get into a comfortable position and set a time limit. You want to make sure the position you choose can be maintained over a long period. As for your time limit, that is completely up to you. Your time limit should be based on how much you want to manifest (when you reach that step).
  • Focus on your breathing and attention. Breathe in and out through your nostrils. Focus on what you feel and your energy. Clear your thoughts of anything that can be distracting. It’s normal for your mind to wander. If this happens to you, accept it and then regain focus.

Remember to focus on positive thoughts. The law of attraction will only bring to you the energy that you put out.


After your body and mind are now relaxed and focused, you are ready to begin your manifestations. Manifestation practices use words and phrases to reinforce positive energy.

Here are some quick steps for manifesting:

  • Set your goals. You can start with a small number of goals and eventually work your way up. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish, where you want to be, who you want to encounter, etc. These questions will help bring focus and clarity to your manifestations.
  • Close your eyes and visualize. While still following your meditation practices, close your eyes and begin to visualize yourself at the achievement of your first goal. Make it as vivid as you can.
  • Use positive affirmations and manifestation phrases. Repeat things like:
    • Money flows to me.
    • I am loved.
    • I am beautiful.
    • I am stronger than I have ever been.

This helps you maintain a high vibration. This is your time to completely shut out the woes and worries of your reality and focus on what you want.

  • Release your desires to the universe. After you have manifested your goals with affirmations and visualizations, it is now time to release them into the universe. Let go of everything you visualized and understand that your dreams and goals will soon be on their way to you.

Don’t forget to give gratitude, as this puts you on a high vibration. The BetterSleep app has different meditation practices that can help you solidify your manifestation meditation routine.

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