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Mindfulness Through Breathing

by BetterSleep
Jul 15 2022 • 4 min read

Mindfulness as a practice is good for physical and mental health. It reduces stress, lowers anxiety, relaxes the body, and makes you more resilient in difficult situations. The idea of beginning a meditation practice can feel daunting, but it’s much easier than you think. A solid, basic way to achieve mindfulness is to focus on your breath.

The Benefits of Breath Work and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for mental health because it directs your mind to the present moment. It takes your attention away from worries about the past or future and helps you recognize, without judgment, negative thoughts as they pass through you.

Breathing practice is a foundational type of mindfulness. It is the most basic way to anchor yourself in the present, and studies show that it works. In one study, participants had a less adverse reaction to negative images after mindful breathing, proof that it helps people better regulate their emotions.

Studies also show that breathing meditations reduce stress biomarkers in the body and self-reported anxiety, depression, fatigue, and anger. Studies routinely indicate that mindfulness breathing and meditation exercises help people from all walks of life, including those who practice different religions.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation with Breath Work

Try these meditations to get started on a mindfulness practice that harnesses the simple power of breathing:

The Mindful Breath

This is an easy, ten-minute meditation that you can use at any time to manage stress through focused breathing.

Japanese Moon Breathing

Try this short meditation before bed to use mindfulness to tackle insomnia. Moon breathing helps quiet your mind of all the day’s thoughts so you can sleep better. It involves inhaling through one nostril and out the other to relax the nervous system.

Relaxing Morning Ocean Breath

Start your day with a relaxing breathing session. Mindfulness helps at any time of day, but first thing in the morning sets the tone for the day and helps you face it with a positive outlook.

Guided Deep Breathing for Sleep

Another meditation designed to improve sleep. This 12-minute guided session focuses on rhythmic breathing to prepare you for rest.

Breathing for Stress Release

Use breathwork meditation whenever stress threatens to overwhelm you or at the end of a long, difficult day full of stressful situations.

Inner Voyage

Mindfulness can help you learn more about yourself. Take this inner journey, beginning with focusing on breathing to help you sleep better.

Your Mindful True Nature

Use your inner journey to discover who you are. With breathing and listening to your heart, discover your true nature. Everyone has it in them to be mindful with practice.

Mediations that focus on your breathing are great for mindfulness, but you can also try simple breathing exercises to get started or for variety. Use these five exercises any time you have a few minutes and need to center yourself. Breathing is a fundamental action, which is why it works so well as an anchor for mindfulness and overall wellness. The more you focus on it, the better you’ll feel.

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