Sleep Quality Score: The Best Way to Measure Your Sleep Hygiene

Your sleep quality score helps you understand your sleep each night to see trends in your sleeping patterns. By analyzing how you sleep, you can make positive changes, where needed, to improve your sleep quality and length.

Studies show that getting enough high-quality sleep can positively benefit your mood, weight, activity, and energy levels. It can also help improve your concentration, productivity, and focus, plus reduce inflammation and stress levels in the body.

How is a Sleep Quality Score Calculated?

Several factors make up your sleep quality score, including:

  • Sleep length: How many hours did you sleep? The more you sleep, the higher your score.
  • Bedtime Routine: Do you have a set bedtime schedule? Stick to a consistent routine, and your score will improve.
  • Sleep noises: What noises occur while you’re sleeping? More noise, especially ambient noise, can impact sleep quality.

What is a Good or Bad Score?

Excellent: 80-100

Fair: 60-79

Poor: Less than 60

Now you know how to track your sleep quality score. If you have a poor score, don’t stress; it’s more important is how you feel. Continue working on improving your bedtime routine with guided meditations and soothing sleep sounds on the BetterSleep app.